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“ЮИздат / YuIzdat” is a Saint Petersburg publishing house, founded in 2019 by Yuliya Selivanova with educational and creative intents. We issue aesthetically pleasing, well-designed books, originals and translations, together with artistic projects.

Книги публикуются с ИСБН на русском и английском языках или на русском языке с резюме на английском.

The topics of interest for the publisher include:

–– museum management,

–– museum marketing,

–– the artist’s book genre*

and related subjects.

* The artist’s book is a branch in fine art that took shape in the second half of the XXth century. In Russia, it was formed in the late 1980s – early 1990s. Representatives of the genre use the form of a book or some its elements to create the works of art, which often look similar to familiar to us typographic editions in appearance, but the first are always more than books. Such objects are in whole or partly handmade, using any materials ranging from paper and fabric to dough and metal. They can be inconvenient when used as a book, because artist solves the tasks of art in general, not of the arts of book or decorative arts. Artists’ books may not include text, but they always physically unfold in time like a book or are “flipped through” (Yuliya Selivanova, 2019).

Books are published with ISBN in Russian and English, or with English summaries.

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Наши темы
“YuIzdat” is also conceived to become a museum publishing house, and a project of museum organization that will work with artists’ books par excellence is being developed at the moment.

You can purchase our books and souvenirs online at the price of publishing house and in bookstores in Russia (please see the list of them on the each book’s page). You may also find the books in Russian libraries: Vladimir Mayakovsky Central City Public Library, National Library of Russia (Saint Petersburg) –– and in other places. The complete list can be found on the webpage of each book.

Please see also #museum_projects#YuIzdat_collection

Yuliya Selivanova


Yuliya Selivanova is a museologist (specialist in museum research; Saint Petersburg State University, Russia) with Master of Management degree (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg / Moscow, Russia), curator of museum projects, author of the book “Conscious Management of a State Museum in Russia: Notes on the Principles and Instruments” (2019). 


“My idea is to publish books, without which, it seems to me, life is not complete. The books, for making which I will not have any thoughts about unjustified waste of forest tracts and littering common mental space.

Initially, I assumed that the publishing house would be programmatically non-profit. In fact, apparently, this will be so, because all organizations of this type use revenues for their activities and do not distribute it among employees. However, let’s see what happens”.

Photograph: Kate Predko, 2019

Elizaveta Zalieva is an artist, illustrator and designer (Higher School of Printing and Media Technologies of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Russia). The participant of Russian and international displays since 2015. She collaborated with the State Hermitage Museum, the State Russian Museum, the State Museum of Urban Sculpture (Saint Petersburg) and publishers. Interests: situative art, children’s books, letters as objects. Personal website.




Photograph: Maria Pavlovskaya, 2019

Anna Slashcheva has BA and MA in Asian and African Studies (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia), MA in Semiotics (University of Tartu), English/Japanese translator and editor. She collaborated with museums (“Owl Mountain”, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Saint-Petersburg Literary Museum “XX century”) and publishing houses (in particular “DMK Press”, “Common place”). Interests: Japanese literature of the XIX–XX centuries, modern history, cultural semiotics. Personal page on the “sygma”.



Translator and editor

Tatiana Burkova is a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor (Saint Petersburg State University (SPbU), Russia), author of about 70 scientific and educational publications. She has also co-authored 180 scripts to the programs of the cycle “Small Details of a Big City” (historical TV channel “365 days TV”, 2010). Interests: history and culture of Saint Petersburg, memorial plaques as a form of commemoration. Personal page on the SPbU website.



Russian texts editor

Photograph: courtesy of the portrayed

Irina Ponomareva provides law support for the publishing house. As a lawyer (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) she collaborated or collaborates with law companies “Padva & Epshtein”, “PB Legal”, “BBH, advokátní kanceláře, s.r.o.” (Moscow office). Interests (specialization): dispute & resolution, international commercial arbitration, corporate law, contractual law. “LinkedIn” profile.




Photograph: courtesy of the portrayed


Sarah Bodman

Andrey Rossomakhin

Stanislava Smagina and the Museum of Laughter “Trickster”

Sergey Svetunkov

Joseph John Visser (Joseph Johannes (Joop) Visser; 1946–2019)


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Магазин «Подписные издания»

If you would like to propose your material for publication (or the sketch thereof), have an idea for re-issuing or translating a book, please, consider our topics and write to the publisher.

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