Yuliya Selivanova “Conscious Management of a State Museum in Russia: Notes on the Principles and Instruments”
Non-fiction. Intended both for theorists and actual and future practitioners of museum management, including marketing, as well as for those interested in the museums, leisure services market, cultural management and life quality.
nice small book with art photographs by Kate Predko
for those (also) committed to mindfulness
a kind of manifesto from author as a museologist practitioner; notes to stay on course
can be read horizontally and vertically, from beginning / from the end
Mandatory copies are given to
Vladimir Mayakovsky Central City Public Library, Saint Petersburg.
The book is also gifted to:
Saint-Petersburg Literary Museum “XX century”,
Open Library of the Art center “Pushkinskaya-10” (Saint Petersburg),
Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of History, Department of Museology,
Arnolfini’s archive (Bristol, UK) following participation of the book in the “Bristol Artist’s Book Event” (“BABE”) 2021.
Can be also found in the Russian State Library, Moscow.
Combining education background and working experience in the fields of museum studies and management, the author identifies, in her opinion, the basic problems –– these of mentality and profession –– which impede the efficiency of management in Russian state museums. In the text recommendations on the possible solution or annulment of these problems are suggested. Among the prescriptions are application of marketing as a strict taking account of the existence of target audience and its needs (1), creation of these needs (2), the “site-specificating” of museum offers (products, services, etcetera) that necessarily include new knowledge (3), usage of contemporary art’s potential and invitation of its representatives for cooperation (4), forming of a balanced (“weighted”) team (5), determing expected results (6). Complex consideration of the problems, author’s understanding of museum marketing and management, formulated principles and methods of responsible and conscious management constitute the scientific and practical novelty of the essay. The application of all tools is aimed at improving the life quality of museums as organisations (economic entities), of museum workers and actual and even possible museum audience.
for references: Селиванова Ю. В. Осмысленный менеджмент в российском государственном музее : заметки о принципах и приёмах / Фотографии Е. П. Предко ; дизайн Е. М. Залиевой. –– СПб. : ЮИздат / YuIzdat, 2019. –– 78 с.
or Selivanova Y. V. Osmyslennyj menedzhment v rossijskom gosudarstvennom muzee: zametki o principax i priyomax / Conscious Management of a State Museum in Russia: Notes on the Principles and Instruments. Photographs by Kate Predko, designed by Elizaveta Zalieva. St. Petersburg, YuIzdat, 2019, 78 p. (in Russian and English).
author: Yuliya Selivanova
title: Осмысленный менеджмент в российском государственном музее: заметки о принципах и приёмах / Conscious Management of a State Museum in Russia: Notes on the Principles and Instruments
illustrations: photographs by Kate Predko
design, layout: Elizaveta Zalieva
editor: Tatiana Burkova
editor of texts in English, corrector: Anna Slashcheva
reviewers: Vadim Pashkus, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Faculty of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University,
Sergey Svetunkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor
year: 2019
pages: 78
number of copies (ex.): 100
ISBN: 978-5-9909864-3-5
weight: approx. 100 gr
dimensions: 17,05 x 12 x 0,5 cm
Key words: museum management in Russia, museum audience, museum staff, leisure services market, site-specificity, contemporary art, museum mission, proactive museum marketing, efficiency, life quality.
Waiting for them!